-What does your intuition tell you? Mine says he's unfortunately likely on to something. If McGregor is correct we have not seen anything yet: the horrors are just beginning:
"...Well first of all I think you are going to see a war between Iran and Israel. Mr Netanyahu, if he is going to sustain this conflict over time has to expand it. Things have not gone well in Southern Lebanon or in Gaza. Hamas is not defeated...Hezbollah is certainly far from defeated...he hasnt yet met the main body of Hezbollah fighters... thousands of fighters are pouring in from Iraq, the Arabian peninsula to reinforce Hezbollah so that's far from over.
We have to understand there's something larger at work right now. I think the government in London as well as in Washington has decided to back this "Greater Israel" project with the goal of ultimately clearing Arabs out of Southern Lebanon, clearing them out of much of Syria, ultimately dislodging them from the West Bank and Gaza and eventually throwing at least the Palestinians out of Jordan. Now this sounds extreme to anybody with any common sense but these things are actually being discused. So its not as if Mr Netayahu is waving his ruthless campaign of expulsion and murder on his own: he has support. We are critical and so are the British.
In some respects I'm beginning to think the British want to relive their empire back in the middle east.... "
In the beginning he also mentioned that Israel will attack before US elections ..
In general good analysis by Macgregor but don't agree with his notion of 'tail wagging the dog' except it just may be possible Satanyahoo might go for it before US elections i.e. he is off the leash.
Re: In the beginning he also mentioned that Israel will attack before US elections ..
"...don't agree with his notion of 'tail wagging the dog' except it just may be possible Satanyahoo might go for it before US elections i.e. he is off the leash."
Well as I pointed out a while back it's not presently relevant as Netanyahu is effectively the acting president writing the foreign policy script until the new pro-Israel candidate takes over. There's just no-one at the top...one of Biden's own officials apparently said: "For better or worse, no one is listening to him anymore and his words have little power and less reach. It’s a blip. Gone in any meaningful way by mid-day tomorrow if it makes it that long," yet another apparently posited Joe was so far gone he should be locked up...
In both Ukraine and the Middle East, what has become clear is that the relatively narrow scope that defined war during the post-9/11 era has dramatically widened. An era of limited war has ended; an age of comprehensive conflict has begun. Indeed, what the world is witnessing today is akin to what theorists in the past have called “total war,” in which combatants draw on vast resources, mobilize their societies, prioritize warfare over all other state activities, attack a broad variety of targets, and reshape their economies and those of other countries. But owing to new technologies and the deep links of the globalized economy, today’s wars are not merely a repeat of older conflicts.
These developments should compel strategists and planners to rethink how fighting happens today and, crucially, how they should prepare for war going forward. Getting ready for the kind of war the United States would most likely face in the future might in fact help the country avoid such a war by strengthening its ability to deter its main rival. To deter an increasingly assertive China from taking steps that might lead to war with the United States, such as blockading or attacking Taiwan, Washington must convince Beijing that doing so wouldn’t be worth it and that China might not win the resulting war. But to make deterrence credible in an age of comprehensive conflict, the United States needs to show that it is prepared for a different kind of war—drawing on the lessons of today’s big wars to prevent an even bigger one tomorrow.
As noted in the video the author, Mara Kalin, is a policy maker in DC so this can be read as their policy ideas for the near future...The corporate media are complicit in the Gaza genocide. Never forget what they did. Never forgive them for it.
"... what the world is witnessing today is akin to what theorists in the past have called “total war,” in which combatants draw on vast resources, mobilize their societies, prioritize warfare over all other state activities, attack a broad variety of targets, and reshape their economies and those of other countries..."
-- Isn't this 'nightmarish vision' a straightforward description of the US, with its 2 million serving in the military, its trillion-dollar annual military spending, and its indulgence, two or three times a decade, in manufactured, multi-trillion-dollar wars of choice fought on tick...?