He spews out this ridiculously out of touch, "Won't someone think of the exploitative ruling class?" garbage. If you took a lot of the source identifiers off some of the pieces in there, you would think it had been written by The Onion.
Was just listening to an audiobok of "Necessary Illusions" whereing Chomsky rips the NYT apart over and over again and they clearly have only got worse since then. These people are demented liars and they are the enemy.The corporate media are complicit in the Gaza genocide. Never forget what they did. Never forgive them for it.
Re: The Slain CEO was the Real Working Class Hero - NYT Panics Over Outrage at Insurance Companies
If the "free market" was indeed the best way to organise services then the US as it's greatest advocate would have the best healthcare system & outcomes in the world. The fact that it has the most expensive system and some of the worst outcomes should be deeply troubling for Capitalism's advocates.
if the US is indeed a Democracy, and of course it is the greatest advocate of democracy & intent on spreading it around the world, it would have a universal health care which for decades has been the majority democratic wish of it's citizens. The fact that it does not should be surely be deeply troubling for those who believe the US is an actual Democracy.
Of course no one with any brains believes the US is either a Democracy nor indeed that Health care there operates in that much vaunted legendary "Free market".
What the US is best in the world at at is Monopolies & Renterism ...and the secret behind those is Corporate lobbying and PR which is effectively what we see in the above.
It was in that system and sense that the guy is a "Working class hero" rather than the John Lennon one because he trampled his way to the top over the bodies of his fellow working class and indeed used their corpses to reach for the "fruits" of success which...the system he managed actively worked to deny to them.
The US corporate fight against " Socialized Medicine" is a long one: 1945, and goes back to Clem Whitaker and Leone Baxter: "Campaigns,Inc" which Upton Sinclair aptly named "The Lie Factory":