This is No.17 on a list posted today by Another Angry Voice. I have lost the website link, so if anyone can supply it, many thanks.
17. Peter Mandelson
Of all the shady characters behind Starmer’s inexplicable ascent to political power, Peter Mandelson must be the shadiest. Not just a close friend of notorious child sex trafficker Jeffrey Epstein, but a publicly admitted business associate of Vlad Putin. Mandelson’s just been rewarded for his shady behind the scenes operations with the job of UK ambassador to the US. Funnily enough the liberal press aren’t photoshopping a Russian hat onto him over a picture of the Kremlin, they’re cooing with delight that the dark lord of Labour-right politics is back out of the shadows.
Also includes a photo of Mandelson shopping with Epstein on Love Island, where he went more than once on the Lolita Express.
Re: Lest we forget
Posted by t on December 20, 2024, 4:06 pm, in reply to "Lest we forget"
Posted by scrabb on December 20, 2024, 4:45 pm, in reply to "Re: Lest we forget"
Cheers t. I must learn how to do that.
Re: Lest we forget
Posted by t on December 20, 2024, 10:49 pm, in reply to "Re: Lest we forget"
I must learn how to do that.
C'mon scrabb. I typed in 'Another Angry Voice website?' and the link appeared. I checked item 17 in the lead article. It matched. Job done .. 5 min, if that.