Mind you, I only listened to the Marouf. Very impressive.
I'll never get back the hours I've spent listening to Ritter. He owes me big time. I'm not going to waste any more. And Pepe used the word 'anarchy' the other day to mean 'chaos'. The boss class must love him.
Personally I am just going through the pov's of sources I follow. Not particularly left, more like geopolitical animals .. in nature. Not sure how many punters can follow this, since it takes time to view the vids.
For example:
There is much in his analysis, in his monologue, that is worthwhile for an interesting conversation .. in terms of geopolitics.
Some thoughts and rampant opinions. Plus a couple of gentle guys showing how it's done.
By the way, I avoid Ritter, Escobar, and Galloway. There are way too many really great guys out there to waste time on them. And I get bloody annoyed at Napolitano telling me to buy gold and a gun. The latter, presumably, lest somebody tries to take the former off me.
I have little time for all these ex CIA guys. I don't forget or forgive that quickly. Though I had a lot of time for Philip Agee.
And I miss Chomsky. And Ed Herman. Though they've written loads that seems to never get old, thank goodness. And I don't buy that recent line that says that we need to throw out the propaganda model simply coz the BBC suddenly seems to have some guy friendly to Mossad running the show. I haven't seen that expressed anywhere outside one brief thread on LBN.
Berletic and Sleboda are nearly always good. Then there's Marandi, Mouin Rabbani, Khalidi, EI, and some others. Actually, there's fecking loads of others. Thank god for the internet! I have some time for McGregor, just about, though normally, I don't have much time for military or ex-military. Most of those feckers are still way too proud of what they did. (Larry Johnson being a case in point.) Berletic being a notable exception. Ritter never shuts up about having been a goddamn marine. And he's just too hysterical and a drama queen, to boot, for my liking. Lately he seems to be trying to curry favour with Trump et al. He hadn't realised being a rebel has a price that he is suddenly not willing to pay. And you won't find Ritter going on hunger strike if they lock him up, unlike that elderly Jewish woman who graced our pages and Holborn nick a few days ago. Not unless he's sure the entire world is watching, at any rate.
Anyway, having got that off my chest, here's Marouf with Craig Murray
I find Ritter a bit too shouty, Escobar's diction means I prefer to read him rather than listen and George is a hoot considering that he has to do it twice a week.The last working-class hero in England.
Clio the cat, ? July 1997 - 1 May 2016 Kira the cat, ? ? 2010 - 3 August 2018 Jasper the Ruffian cat ? ? ? - 4 November 2021
Re: Some thoughts and rampant opinions. Plus a couple of gentle guys showing how it's done.
Sumo, Meerkat and Peter Lavelle used to be really good and Sumo was on Cross Talk the other day, for the first time in ages. Hudson splutters and hesitates too much (had a stroke?) but Wolff's voice has a timbre that suits my ears. The last working-class hero in England.
Clio the cat, ? July 1997 - 1 May 2016 Kira the cat, ? ? 2010 - 3 August 2018 Jasper the Ruffian cat ? ? ? - 4 November 2021
Re: Some thoughts and rampant opinions. Plus a couple of gentle guys showing how it's done.
Pretty much how I feel about that crowd. Ritter isn't worth listening to these days and he's definitely taken a turn, seemingly dating to his brush with the security state near the end of last year (ish) and he's definitely batting his eyelashes at the Trump admin for whatever reason.
I agree with your points about Johnson et. al. Ray McGovern is a little different from the rest of them and he does tend to limit himself to his area of expertise but he's not part of the regular rotation as often as the others.The corporate media are complicit in the Gaza genocide. Never forget what they did. Never forgive them for it.