Free speech anyone? Bezos here, Zuckerberg there, Musk everywhere. A further confirmation of global corporatocracy, to mix two etymologies. See my post below.
By your own logic, why do you continue to comment?
Assuming Gazans are not billionaires, should they give up posting on line?
Why does George Galloway get 5 million viewers and CNN 200,000 (according to Galloway’s own recent claim in a video posted down the board)?
The point is, to make your own words count in an unequal world because by your own logic, if your own words don’t count when you can’t back them with $$$, then you have already declared their worth according to your opponent’s value system.
The Duran converses over Musk / Starmer - badly IMO
You're both being incredibly naive. Musk isn't interested in the welfare of British/English children, he's latched on to a political hot potato in the UK and pushing an agenda that serves his interests / machinations. I don't like Starmer at all but he does represent, in a rather lack-lustre fashion, a more left-wing, socially concerned politics in the UK, and as such he's an enemy of Musk, and Trump, and Bezos and Zuckerberg, the corporatist elite or ascendancy that runs the US and which wishes to rule the world. Starmer needs to be brought down and Reform UK paid a hundred million dollars to take over. So much for "Russian interference" That this over-rich and overgrown, brattish flabby man-child from 3,000 miles away in distance, and light-years away in morals, should have any say at all in the domestic politics of the UK is outrageous. I am flabbergasted as to your apparent compliance with this overbearing man and his arrogance and entitlement. You'll have a less benign opinion of all this when Musk and Trump and the kleptocracy that runs the US, starts turning their rhetorical guns on you. You have been rightly critical of the European and other leadership kowtowing to Biden and the US, so where's your independent scepticism with Trump and Musk? When the UK comes to the same political condition as Greenland, don't say you weren't warned.
Hopefully, if Starmer has any backbone at all, this will be the end of the "special relationship" so perhaps there is a chance of some good coming from all this dangerous nonsense.
Another butcher of free speech was the NZ Herald's pathetic editor Gavin "Megaton" Ellis
You're both being incredibly naive. Musk isn't interested in the welfare of British/English children, he's latched on to a political hot potato in the UK and pushing an agenda that serves his interests / machinations.
I have a different interpretation of their stance/narrative. They 'pretend' to believe that Musk is genuinely interested in the welfare of English children (and the rest of the narrative as pointed out by your good self is similarly included) for the sake of the punters watching the show .. educational purposes. Of course this is not true! Perhaps naivety should be put placed elsewhere hehe.
Hopefully, if Starmer has any backbone at all, this will be the end of the "special relationship"
Let him squirm out of that one as he exits the scene .. I doubt his narrative will be worth waiting for. My guess.
Let him squirm out of that one as he exits the scene...
I don’t care if its an obvious regime change operation to get rid of Biden hangovers in the vassal state of the UK. That is really not anybody’s problem except Starmer’s.