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    Re: Pushback: John Mearsheimer: Ukraine war is a long-term danger Archived Message

    Posted by Dovetail Joint on July 31, 2023, 3:49 pm, in reply to "Re: Pushback: John Mearsheimer: Ukraine war is a long-term danger"

    The BBC's Jonathan Beale was apparently on the Bahkmut 'frotline', well, almost. He was embedded with 'Ghost' which is a Ukrainian sniper unit, which claims over 500 kills in Bahmmut alone. 'Ghost' their leader said he'd killed 75 invaders on his own! Funny how BBC/Guardian types turn in fascists so easily.

    Another BBC international correspondent expert, said that Russia had already lost the war in Ukraine, because their goal had been to destroy it and that had failed. Now there was a kind of stalemate where the Russians were bogged down and couldn't advance.

    This is the British Army/SIS view as well. What a surprise!

    Finally, this morning they had an ex-NATO British military ananlyst on. He was off his ####ing head. The Russians had lost and soon the Ukrainians will be cutting through on their way to Crimea. At that stage Putin will be overthrown. He may be in the Kremlin, but he's not in power anymore, other forces are. Putin is now little more than a figurehead. There can be no peace with Putin in the Kremlin. The Russian army, the entire regime was brittle like an eggshell and cracks were becoming harder and harder to conceal!

    Anti-Russian racism is growing, with people allowed to make extraordinary statements about Russians and their culture, which are outrageously NAZI-like. Like atrocities and brutality are ingrained in Russian culture and war-making. Imagine if one said that about Israel?

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