Two in two weeks...
Posted by Malinda
on 10/5/2017, 10:10 am
I don't post much but I do read the posts here. There has been so much sadness here and I didn't want to add to it. On Sept. 19 I said farewell to my Johnny Cat. His liver was failing and he had gone from 13 lbs to 8.5 lbs in a very short time. We pulled him through a big weight loss at the beginning of the year and that's when he was diagnosed with a liver problem. He did very well from January until late August. But there was too much damage and his liver basically was not working. Although he wasn't in pain, his quality of life was poor. It was time. Yesterday I said farewell to my big doofus boy, Spunky. He had been having eye issues with his right eye for quite some time. I've dealt with winky, goopy eyes before from the feline herpes flare ups and that's how we were treating it. His eye lid started swelling and his eye started bleeding (like a tears). He was on an antibiotic and pain control for a week without improvement. I got him into the eye specialist that sees Lily (this was yesterday). She suspected a tumor and was almost certain it was cancer. We wouldn't know for sure unless the eye was removed and tissue sent to the lab. I opted to let him go. It wasn't an easy decision to make. Spunky was 15 years old. His age played in part of my decision. And, unfortunately, economics played in part of it too. I just didn't have $2000+ spend. Please don't judge me too harshly for my decision. If I had the money I would have spent it on him in a heartbeat. Johnny and Spunky were both sweet boys. They will always hold a place in my heart.