You’re right, very hard to keep board moving it seems. Few people, and I don’t want to be a board hog and just post about me every day. As they say, it takes a village. So guess it is what it is. I’ll check in though from time to time, hopefully daily see what’s going on.
While I’m posting now, update on Peatrie is she’s doing really good! I tried letting her in different room but can’t, she’s tooo rambunctious! Jumps up and down on window sills etc. over and over. I must have her acclimate her leg slowly. So I am letting her out in our room a couple times/few times a day under supervision. She’s still tooo crazy, but if I see she’s doing too much I put her away in closet. I’ll increase time daily over next couple weeks. Then see how it goes letting her into full house. May have to monitor that too. We’ll see.
So little by little. If I showed you a video which I don’t know how to load, you’d be amazed! She’s wilder than before! She never was THAT goofy! Maybe I just didn’t pay attention. But it’s like she grew legs for the first time!
Here’s a pic of her yesterday in our bedroom window with her sister Sara Bella. She plays with them waaay too rough too! I was worried it would be other way around.
Hope the rain goes away and you and Mr D can get out more!
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