could feel how it was.(I have little faith in doctors/vets)
It definitely was swollen. All in left side. So either THAT was the cause of the pain, or he tore something. It’s more than a limp.
His back legs (mostly left) barely hold him up, and sometimes they don’t. He walks like the German version of a Germsn Shepherd. With lower in the back end. You said there’s two versions I think? I want a shepherd but not “this” way!🙄😬
How’s Mr. D? Limp gone? How’s your cough?
Gram pies limping, felt he has a rough spot embedded next to
his center fleshy paw part. I need to put Vaseline on again or some neosporin. It never ends here it seems. But he’s better thankfully. In bed sleeping next to me in pillow now, purring. 🙂
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