Your review page is obviously incomplete :)
My view of McCartney is that when he is the polished perfectionist he is great. When he is lazy and tries to toss off tunes with little effort and try to be "raw" his music become significantly flawed
You seem to have a much higher tolerance towards his unpolished work than myself due to much higher rating I would give to Wild life, both McCartney I and Ii, electric arguments etc
You seem to like late period McCartney significantly less than myself. I think the stretch from Off the ground to Memory almost full to be equivalent to 70’s work. I’m glad that you like Memory Almost Full But I would give it a Hex E and give it best album. As much as I like Ram there are few songs there that seems slightly tossed off. Memory Almost full is just full of immaculate crafted memorable pop song. If the compression bothers you than find a vinyl mix of the album that seems to have more dynamic range.
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