PlumFairy's Pet Parlour
[ Post Response | PlumFairy's Pet Parlour ]
It's The Little Things That Make Life Such A Big Deal!
I suspect the kittens are gone.
The mother has been sitting in her owners driveway looking for her kittens. I suspect J&W gathered them up and took them somewhere. Hopefully a safe place. W is furious that the kittens were in her yard. She's mad enough that young deer are eating her "none local" bushes and plants. She complained about the kittens putting their heads into my fence. WHAT? They have fence along their yard that is not strong... while I have chainlink all the way around. I am trying to stay out of their way. I won't plant things that don't belong here. If I want something I pot it or them and lug back and forth in and out as needed due to the weather. My heart aches for the mother cat as she sits in her driveway and looks for her kittens - they are not babies and were roaming every where. ARRrgH!!!
Love All Life, Thank You For Posting! :)