Kitty has been sleeping in the Library, which is the other room I keep warm. I had an old couch pillow and it put it on a square trunk where it fit perfectly. She sleeps on it every night only inches from the small heater. She is so thin I worry about her. So I am glad she has a warm plac to sleep. She also uses the litter box I set up for her in the hallway. She is being such a good girl and using it.
I leave their dry food on the dining room table with their water bowl. Soli drinks from Charlie's water bowl and they get along very well. Kitty had her own water bowl but I removed it since she likes to push her water bowl all over the hallway. Weird. So she now has to come to the dining room if she wants water. She won't drink from Charlie bowl but does use the water bowl onthe dining room table. Works for me.
Chance has really become fond of me again. He now puts his head next to his bars so I can rub his eye and ear and beak. He closes his eyes and I swear he sighs. LOL He especially love his ears rubbed - they are holes not ears that stick out.
He also is enjoying his new Parrot seed. I have had a problem trying to find a seed enjoys. I think I have gone through at least 4 or 5 types of Amazon seed. Most of it I fed to the wild birds. I am so happy he is finaly enjoying his latest food.
Charlie is still have some periods of odd behavior. He can and often does jump on my bed. But he will also stand and look at me when I ask him to do so.
I think I have discovered why he finds spots in the yard where he goes in to sniffing mode. The kittens were under my house so often and Mama cat as well. Charlie has sniffed out spots were they peed etc. Plus I know for sure there has been a wild critter hanging out and sleeping under my house when it is rainy or cold. I never was able to spot it. Since the kittens have been placed and Mama is gone.... Charlie still sniffs out their spots. He spends lots of time scanning the yard.
The deer have come and gone. J&W are still feeding the deer in the woods next to their home. That's a no-no. But they insist on feeding them.
This morning I feed the birds as usual and they came out to feed. I discovered where the Carolina Wrens which are small round brown birds with a tail that sticks up from the end of its body. They are so cute and have nests under my home and under J&W's home.
Oh I put a tee shirt on Charlie this am when we went out but that didn't work. I had to remove it. He did better with out.
I have made sure I fed the wild birds and the squirrels every day no matter the weather. Rain , sun, cold, hot. I've even gone out at night to fill up the bowls with seeds and peanuts.
So I have been a good Santa all year long. 8-)
Love All Life, Thank You For Posting! :)