PlumFairy's Pet Parlour
[ Post Response | PlumFairy's Pet Parlour ]
It's The Little Things That Make Life Such A Big Deal!
The jugs are only 4lb bird seed jugs from Walmart.
The dog food is even lighter. Plus I do it to cat food as well..and treats for all the critters. That way the jugs lay on their sides and I can stack 3 at a time. The pantry has shelves since it's only me my food is stacked in 2 cupboards and in the bottom of a shelved unit. Those are in the kitchen and dining room. I have a fetish for organization plus if I had an emergency I can grab jugs for everyone to take with. There is only me here with 3 critters so organized is how I have to think. 8-) Every job I have ever had has demanded organization.
Love All Life, Thank You For Posting! :)