Are you able to keep your pups out from under your feet when needed, or do you need to put them in a room or crate? Say that you break a jar, or something spills that is food, but you don't want them to go near it?
Krypto has to be in the middle of everything. He will back off, but you have to fuss at him on and off, and can't walk away from the danger.
We have crated him when birds or the bat was flying in his reach, because the stakes were so high, and we had no control over where the critter would fly, such as right into his mouth.
I've recently decided to train him to respect a 'barrier' which isn't something that would actually keep him out. For example, you know those little things that dogs jump over when doing agility.
It can be only a few inches tall even. Once he learns that he must lie down and not go over it, you could set it on the other side of glass or spills, and he would stay on his side of it.
I'm confident that we won't have much trouble with it because he already could go over his short baby gate, but doesn't. I'm hoping that it will be the same thing to him, once we have training sessions with it.
We've had both of those scenarios, as well as us chasing a frog or bug across the floor. That's my plan, anyway.
How about your pups?
Love All Life, Thank You For Posting! :)