The door should have clicked behind him, but didn't, and Hira stood up on it, opening it. Then, she jumped out and went to my garden bed, then to the rock pile. Dh didn't see her at first, but Krypto did, and went right for her, out of Dh's hands.
Then, Hira ran toward the driveway, with Krypto at her heels.
Dh, who should not be running around and stressing, ran after them, calling, but they couldn't hear him, then were gone from sight. He came back to get Cricket - his tiny ranch truck, even though 1 tire needs air; Ds needs to bring the air thingy over - and we decided to leave the door open, in case they came back.
North is woods and the main hwy. East is the main hwy, and a neighbor. South are my fields and the big creek. West are other neighbors. At any point a turn would take them to the hwy., but any of the neighbors will shoot loose dogs.
First, he went east to the hwy. Cricket can't be driven on the hwy, btw. Then, he came back down the road - I saw him on the camera, and he got out to call the dogs some more.
All of a sudden, I heard *something* out at the north side of the house. Just a small noise, but it didn't belong. Then, a noise at the east, same thing.
Then, Krypto came in the open door! I called Dh on the walkie, and told him to get up here pronto.
Dh caught Hira outside somewhere. I was SO relieved.
We pet and praised them, then fed them, to reinforce them coming home.
It was a loooong 30-40 minutes.
I have 1,000's of new gray hairs, I'm sure.
I'll be back, we are going to comb them, in case they picked up any ticks.
Love All Life, Thank You For Posting! :)