He finally walked to the front door, I opened it and in we went. He headed for th water bowl as I said do you want some water. I don't think his drinkng was in response to my question. Then back in the bedroom and he lid down on the floor not all the way. He is now grooming himself.
Sheesh ! am sweating like a pig and it's not cause its hot out side, it's not for there is a lovely breese. It's cause I am just so shaken.
I talk to him and sit near him and am careful where I rub him. I am at my desk right now.
Any ideas or suggestions, besides going to the vet, that will be after the 3rd when I have money. I will make his appointment monday. But not till after the 3rd.
Prayers for my Charlie please.
Love All Life, Thank You For Posting! :)