I toss a kitchen towel on him that is soaking wet. It's large and thin cotton. As soon as I stop rubbing it all over him and just hang it off his back neck and head.... he stares at me then rolls all over my bed until it's off him.
The new AC is very powerful and almost reaches the couch in the front room. I had broken off branches that hung in front of the small dining room window.... it will take a while to cool off the two area Kitchen and Living room. I also have to figure out how to place the smaller and larger fans. I need to call and get a free one if any are available from Silver Slippers.
Rick said ti set it at 70 as it is strong, while I have the one in my bedroom at 60 or 65. The same settings for the one in DD's bedroom. It was the coolest room now I can't wait to see how cool the front rooand dining room reaches.
Charlie has to go out every 4 or 5 hours. He needs some exercise but I keep it to as little movement as possible.
Boy brought his service dog with him... small poodle mix... And brought him in the house and sat on the couch for a while with Charlie being very excited the whole time. Charlie did not bother Boys service dog. I was very worried. But Charlie loves Boy so much he didn't bother the dog - I had Boy keep it in his arms while there as I was afraid that Charlie might go for him. But he didn't. SO it went well over all.
It is soooooo hot. SA is 105 to 110. Here it is cooling to 102 and my bedroom is 85. Plus we have FIRE ALERTS. And a few fires that were put out luckily. Everything in my yard is dying. SCARY!!!!
Charlie is panting yet wanting to go out. It's a no win scenerio.
Charlie just laid his head down. I turned the big fan towards him and seems to help him.
Well, off to see whats what.
Prayers you all find ways to keep cool.
Love All Life, Thank You For Posting! :)