With Thanksgiving around 2 weeks away, I wondered what the plan for your critters will be?
Will they get a treat? Will you have any guests?
Nothing has changed from last year here. Ds and family are having their own dinner, so no guests here.
I will give the pups, cats, and chickens whatever treats are appropriate for them.
Any fruits and vegetables...plus another pumpkin from our pumpkin patch, when they love, will go to the hens.
I am not sure about the dogs, as I'm no longer sure about our dinner, but there will be something. I have some yogurt, for example. Hira accepts anything - she's such a food hound.
The cat's are more picky, but I have one can of actual cat food left. If I hold onto it, they can share it as a treat. If we get meat or chicken, they will love that, as well. So, it's pretty much up in the air.
If I can swing sweet potatoes, I may make some just because, regardless of dinner. Everyone loves them. All of my dogs have always been lovers of them...cooked especially, but also dried. The chickens love them, too. Oh, and so do we!
How about your critters?
Love All Life, Thank You For Posting! :)