Willow, Irzen, Serna and Neven followed Talos' lead realizing that War Scribe would catch up with them the moment she stopped screaming.
Madeous shook his head in disbelief, "....Another drow?!" Sighing he ushered the group to follow Talos back down.
"You've got something against drow, Madeous?" Irzen inquired with a raised eyebrow.
"I don't have a problem with you, Lord Irzen. I have a problem with the insane ones." Madeous stated.
"And what did the insane ones ever do to you?" The Swordsman inquired, "You don't strike me as a man who frequents The Underdark."
The platinum knight sighed, "You simply do not have the experience that I do upon the battle field. Two, didn't spend much time in the Underdark. Was always fighting Venger above ground."
"Battle field experience?" Irzen smirked, "For a hundred years I led a mercenary company of Drow called The Shadow Riders. We served the Dark Lord scouting out lands ripe for conquest by his armies. Once he betrayed me, I swore to serve him no longer and even went so far as to help one kingdom, Yarfell, defend itself against one of his armies. So, I too fought Venger above ground and defended my people in the Underdark for far longer than I served the Dark Lord. Trust me, I have battle field experience aplenty."
"Of that I have no doubt but I was implying my experience to your other half," Madeous countered.
"True, he is inexperienced in the ways of war," The Swordsman openly admitted, "But he makes up for it in creativity, compassion and ingenuity."
It took the party a mere five minutes to traverse the stairs back down and out to the barracks yard where The Bronze Man and Alyson stood. A young boy of about ten years old ran up to Lazheros and whispered something to him. He waited for a response from the Bronze Man and then ran off back out into the streets.
"Well, what now?" Irzen asked no one in particular.
Without warning, War Scribe's screams stopped and suddenly the Drowling stood before them with her tome and quill pen in hand, "Now we get to see some old-fashioned Asylum style justice? Aren't we Bronze Man or Lazerhos or whatever you are calling yourself these days? Mwuaha! Ha! Ha!"
"Careful, Chronicler of Validor that you don't over step your bounds. This place is protected by Bahamut. It would be most unfortunate if you were erased from history," The Bronze Man gave War Scribe a hard stare. He turned to the wizard in chains, "And for you, Sorvor. Judgement awaits you at the Temple of Bahamut."
"Funny you should say that, Lazerhos," The Chronicler smiled with an evil grin as she opened her tome and began to record the events that were about to transpire, "I was going to give you the exact same warning. Validor ill favors those who mistreats his Chroniclers."
"War Scribe its you he has a problem with," Alyson interjected, "just you. Any other Chronicler of Validor would be fine but your area of expertise are wars and battles with lots of carnage. This is not the place where you will find any of that."
"True but I go where I am sent, Alyson," War Scribe added, "Validor wills me to be here, so I am here. To see, to hear and to chronicle all that transpires. Don't worry about me, I'll do my job so long as Lazerhos does his."
Lazheros raised his arms and the entire group disappeared and reappeared within the main hall of the Temple. The Bronze Man walked away from the party and stood upon the dais. To his right and left stood a row of paladins and knights. Talos ushered the wizard up in front of the party and stopped him just twenty feet before the Bronze Man.
Alyson and Madeous stepped away from the others to await the arrival of some familiar faces. Walking up behind was Gabe and the thieves guild entire. Sarafina and Jasper came forward with the Relic. They stopped and faced the group. "Who among you was chosen to claim the Relic?"
"We all were," Irzen stepped forward bravely, "It was a group effort to reclaim it. Our success would not have been possible had we not acted as a team."
Sarafina approached the party and held out the relic. It was exactly as The Bronze Man had described it hours earlier. "Who among you is Pure of Heart? Who was tasked to read the scroll? Who among you has not Taken a life?"
"Count me out!" Irzen took a step back, "I have taken more than my fair share of lives."
Willow took a step back as well, "Though I am not proud of it, I have dealt more Death in my long days than I care to recall."
Caliaphy darted in and out of the party members before once again settling on Serna's shoulder. "Serna, you must answer the question. By staying quiet, you appear guilty in the eyes of the Bronze Man. Don't you want to be free? What are you afraid of?"
"I'm not afraid of anything," Serna whispered back to Caliaphy, "I haven't killed anyone but I wasn't tasked to read the scroll either. And who can be really Pure of Heart? I don't know, Caliaphy, I really don't know what to say."
The fairy left Serna's shoulder and hovered in front of her for a moment before her form changed into that of a child of about seven years of age. "Serna, this is a form that I can only take in certain instances like this one. I am of the Kurori Elves. We do not grow up. We remain children forever. I admit I envy your kind to be able to grow up, experience life, and pass on to the next life. Just take the scroll and see what happens."
"WOW! No way!" Serna gasped, "You're a kid just like me! Okay, I'll take the scroll and see what happens."
The Bronze Man silently watched all their reactions as to how they would answer.
Neven stepped forward, "I have been a Thief all my life. I know not if I am Pure of Heart. But I do know this: I have killed. When we were trapped in Lankhmar, I killed a demon that would have killed me. I have taken a life but I was also tasked to read the scroll. Does that count?"
"To take a life means that of this plane. To willing take the life of someone you may or may not know. To spill the blood, the life force of a human or humanoid. Killing demons doesn't not count in this matter. They are fiends and outsiders of the Nine Hells and are deserving of being vanquished. However, it was not you that initially interfered at the tavern. It was the shield maiden, who again remains silent instead of defending her actions in what she believed coming to the aid of others that did not concern her. So, child are you the one who is Pure of Heart? Or is the young thief who came forward confessing his actions unafraid? Your response shall determine the fate of the Netherese wizard, Sorvor." The Bronze Man explained to Neven and Serna from the dais. His gaze was focused on Serna and her response.
Serna stepped forward with the scroll in hand, "I honestly don't know if I am Pure of Heart. I guess I was tasked to read this scroll. But all I was trying to do was to help someone that I thought was in need. The Realm is full of bullies and I don't like bullies. When I saw those kids being chased, I thought the Guards were bullying them. So, I did what I thought was right and I tried to protect them. Granted, things did not turn out as I thought they would but I did do the wrong thing for all of the right reasons. My intentions were good though my actions were bad. I don't know if that makes me Pure of Heart, but I am sorry for all the trouble I caused."
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