It goes very well...I just have to separate the unbiblical apostate RC stuff from the genuine traditional and Biblical stuff. The Anglicans, at least the conservative ones, seem to have the best view of liturgy. Although I must say, Ryan's post on the AO board was very well stated, and he is RC. I just have to be careful to not bowl people over with this stuff now. We have a lot of folks in our fellowship that are former liturgical church members, and any re-introduction of liturgy, especially symbol, would have to be brought in very slowly. I think that most folks in our type of church would be open to making the Lord's Table more centrally focused...especially from a covenant point of view. We pride ourselves on the preaching and teaching of the word, "it's the word, preach the word" and there's nothing wrong with that, but I think we 21st century evangelicals are too convenience minded, that is, we think we have to do everything that the church is supposed to do in one service per week. So we sacrifice everything that is not "bottomline" and straight-forward...which means, throw out any ceremony or symbol or metaphor and just give it to me straight!! I have come to the conclusion that the Ancient church simply made the Lord's Day, Sunday worship, all and only for focus on Him and Adore Him, not each other, not to "get my blessing." All body ministry and discipleship and equipping was done throughout the rest of the week. They met DAILY and from house to house. But on Sunday they brought the Whole group together in the Temple Porch. So Mark VH has some of it right. But it's both. I must also say that if I hadn't listened to Kemper's Teaching on the Purpose of the Arts "Windows to Glory" I would not have been as receptive to much of Howard's book. I get a chance to preach this Sunday, so I'm sure some of this will come out in my message. Hope I didn't bore you with my long winded post. :-)
--Previous Message--
: Thomas Howard, Evangelical Is Not Enough.
: What do you think of it? Has it changed or
: solidiifed any of your views?
: philsack