Just got a message on the outage. Now, they say it is for a valve change. That was clearly as much a surprise to MUD as it was to the customers subject to their repeated outages.
The continuing level of failures of MUD should not be tolerated. Admittedly, they have improved some from their previous level of hopeless ineptitude. Perhaps they have removed the "hopeless"?
MUD customers pay for a company to manage the system. That company also gets paid to actually operate and maintain the system. They obviously serve at the pleasure of the MUD Board.
The Board must remember that they, the Board, remain responsible. They can delegate authority. They cannot delegate responsibility.
Having only a clerk to respond to trouble calls, etc. is an effective insulation of the Board from the people it is ultimately responsible to but accomplishes nothing more.
We do not need ego battles. We simply need to begin to get what we are already paying for. The MUD Board is clearly failing to provide that. Hiding will not make their failure appear to improve. Blaming the people they picked for doing what the Board told them to do will not help. Leaving a clerk as the only point of contact to avoid being bothered will not help.
The Board has stayed the way it is because that is most convenient and comfortable. If more customers explain that is simply not good enough, perhaps they will find it convenient to improve toward acceptable.
If MUD customers want to improve the operation of their water and waste disposal systems, they will need to make their expectations and requirements clearly known to the Board members and hope that they will listen.
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