I received my "Impala News" magazine today (identified as VOLUME 37 NUMBER 3 AND 4 SUMMER/FALL 2018). I will assume that all we NIA members now have a copy, or will have pretty soon. This issue is a quality printing - as it has been - with heavy paper, good editorial and coverage, and plenty of color; and it IS thicker. But to call this a "Double Issue" is a stretch. I just don't think we are getting our moneys-worth...especially since we waited such a long time for it! I hesitate in writing this because I don't want to be thought of as a critic, or having a 'sour grapes' image; and I feel I have a good rapport with Don Keefe. But we're supposed to have four (timely) issues a year...the Dayton Convention was last July! The same thing happened in 2017 under Don's watch. There was a summer/fall issue; only three mags for the year. He mentions in his (current) editorial that he intends not to let this happen again...we'll see. 'nuff said. Bill |