Posted by loren
on April 8, 2013, 9:25 am
I vote to BAN everyone that disagrees with paying $2 to park. Oh Wait ! They are banning themselves, my bad. How ridiculous to even consider banning a spectator because he won't drink the kool-aid (Jones Town). This is not a cult. Even if you think a cause is worthy, you shouldn't be forced to pay one to enjoy another. It does not take an economics major to realize if only 10 (ten) people don't show and pay $15 at the gate you lose $150 in potential revenue. How many cars do you have to park to recoup the loss?(75) It seems the New Management has a freakish attitude toward cultivating spectators and the fan experience. Every word I have heard or read that is attributed to Mr Fagan, promotes himself and how wonderful he is, and says nothing about the races or events that are coming and how wonderfull they might be. Forget the Fan . . . we don't need them.