Some peoples children…
I agree with mike, Mychal did nothing wrong. Joe S puts his two cents in but still doesn't understand that X-Mods and Sport mods are two completely different type of cars even though I have explained it to him several times, I love his enthusiasm, but like grandpa always said, "Better to be quite and look a fool than to open your mouth and remove all doubt." Now I can honestly say that I have no clue who don travis is nor his size, but since I have never heard his name over the loud speaker at any track I assume he is no one to get worked up about pleasing. This is the same guy that went to the holy land "SNMS" and complained about the show... we have a word for those kinds of people but it’s not used in polite company, outside of a kennel! So I say if you have a problem with Mychal doing what he does best, creating a controversial thread that garners attention to promote a race, then don’t read his posts, it really is that simple… see you all Saturday!