They make the "Weekend" seem like it is a free for all.
No consequencess. Party as hard as you want. You deserve it. Eat as much as you want. You worked hard all week. Drink as much as you want. You deserve to forget your cares for a few days.
That's all fine and good but......
They stop there.
Monday always, always comes.
We have to be accountable to ourselves come Monday.
But when it comes to our health, that is who matters the most.
We can lie to people all day long, or not lie, just not say, But that only hurts our selves.
We just have to make choices. What do we want to look at in the mirror, come Monday morning?
Someone who cares more about their health, or "I deserve this" mentality.
We DESERVE health.
We have tools to do this.
We just have to choose to use them.
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