That's what got me into the state I am in. My husband HATES to cook and is even AFRAID to cook. I found that out when I was in my cast for 8 weeks and couldn't walk (for the first time in our 44 years of marriage).
He intensely would back away from being able to cook for me. So, I had to go a facility where I was waited on hand and foot. That was okay, but I found out after all of these years that my husband is deathly afraid of cooking. He would rather go to Duncan Donuts to get a fattening breakfast sandwich rather than crack an egg and make me some scrambled eggs. Go figure!!
Keep going with Cambridge. I have the same pressures with my spouse and it's time that we did something for OURSELVES, dammit. Your daughter and grandson would rather have you alive and healthy than catering to them with what you have now identified as a negative source for your health. Go get 'em, MaryL
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