Then this afternoon is the picnic.
I don't know if I will stay.
I will stop by to drop off dessert.
I have an old, old, old dog and she isn't well.
Just old age.
But when I am gone, she won't pee, poop, eat or drink.
So, I try to make my trips short.
Or get a whole list done in one day.
It doesn't put me out....
If you look up the word "Introvert" that is me.
A always have been. Lucky for me, I was married to a Hybrid
half introvert, half human.
I said all that to say, I might not be back on my computer today.
Have a blessed day everyone.
Be good to yourself.
Be good to others.
(Forgive Mr. Dusty, he thinks you like this game. He continues to hide, you keep coming to look for him)
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