Yesterday was a real challenge for me. Neighbors came over with a BIG tray of food and desserts to thank us for watching their house while away.
It was a lovely day and they were so gracious and appreciative. What could I do? I ate. But, I tried to keep it down to a mininum. The funny think is that AFTER they left, I kept eating and eating. OMG!! I was an eating machine. It's as if I were a refugee.
Today, well, I don't know, my focus is a little blurred. I have to go to physical therapy right now. But, when I return, I need to reassess and get back "with the program". My mind is a little blown with the power of this food.
Talk to you later. There are still 85 days before the end of my initial push to reach my goal by August. But, I can't keep saying, tomorrow, tomorrow, tomorrow. Today is IT!
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