I can see below that you have posted again.
I didn't go in and read it yet because I just wanted to say, we are here.
But I guess not until later huh.
I'm liking the sound of "No Major issues"
That's right up there with "Want to make God laugh, make plans"
So be strong.
Be prepared with Plan B
They had a report on Twiggy yesterday.
How skinny that girl was.
I wanted to yell at the screen "Eat a donut will ya" but they said she ate like a horse.
Didn't clarify if that meant she ate a lot or if she only ate hay, oats and sugar cubes.
I was born in 1955 so,....
So I was a child/teen in the sixties, she was a roll model.
She was only as big as one of my legs.
Not counting my foot.
Thank goodness, now at being in her mid seventies, she has ballooned up to 98 pounds.
All I am saying, we don't have to let our minds control how we feel about ourselves.
Yes, we or I look in the mirror and I am not, weight wise where I would love to be,
But it is not all consuming.....
Great days, perfect days, semi good days, off the chart days.
Just like everything else in our lives.
Kids, work, husbands, grocery shopping, interacting with people and some that don't act that way.
But we take it all into stride.
Let's not put our eating into a category all of it's own.
That we place higher value on judging ourselves in that regard.
Good, bad, Ugly.
All the time in many situations.
We can handle this.
We may need to come in here and vent or brag!!!
But That's what it's here for.
Gotta go, Have people coming over.
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