I am so sorry to hear about your pool and your total "cupboard bare" Cambridge.
These past couple of days have been very interesting for me, though.
Bad knees and all, I planted my tomatoes, sweet basil and cucumbers in 100-degree weather on Friday. Then Saturday came and it was SO COLD, the temperature dropped about 40 degrees in one day. By Sunday, I was coughing and sneezing with body aches and GI issues (if you know what I mean). I felt (and still do feel) horrible. I have been taking Alka Seltzer plus, honey and penicillin for my sore throat and an antibiotic to ward off any secondary infection. I feel like a truck has run over me. Mucus is everywhere in my body and I can't keep up with the tissues. I'm a mess!! However, sick and all, I drove down to my parents' final resting place and put some peonies at their gravesite. The peonies came from my garden. The Boy Scouts did a great job putting flags at each veteran's gravesite. God Bless the Boy Scouts!!
My husband told me that because I have been on this "diet", I'm in a weakened state and that is the reason why I contracted this flu/cold. I don't believe him. He's always trying to undermine my Cambridge journey.
Anyway, Memorial Day I was SICK, SICK, SICK!! My husband force-fed me some potato salad and a frankfurter (I only ate half). I told him I couldn't eat another bite because my throat hurt so badly. He backed off then. But, his widdle eyes looked like a puppy dog when he saw me all wrapped up in the blankets and coughing my lungs out. From his point of view, I couldn't blame him for his reaction. But, I say, "starve a cold, feed a fever."
Today,I am feeling a little bit better but still coughing and congested. I just remembered that we have a sauna (I never use). So I spent 20 minutes in the "Hot Box" and felt less congested.
I hope you get your Cambridge soon. Remember, there is always fasting until the "calvary" arrives.
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