I’ve been on the UK plan and I much prefer it and I’ll explain why. Each week you visit with a coach and get weighed, body measured. It’s having your own personal coach. The products are in sachets which are easy to take out with you. You can buy just a few packets of each flavour for the week, few oats ( which are different flavors ) soups, bars, shakes. I do miss the personal coach and variety in the foods. However, that doesn’t mean that the USA system doesn’t work because it does. I just lost 7lb this last week. The USA one on average for me is running 170$ a month and the UK one would be around 50 GBP per week, which is well over $200. You’ll get your results Chris. I do love their suppprt groups extremely positive people with very few excuses. Uplifting and encouraging. Goodluck on your journey