I haven't even been to the board for several weeks, until just now, but I have prayed consistently for you and your husband. How blessed he is to have you for a wife!
This summer I watched as the scales went up, slowly at first -- one pound, one pound, two pounds and then five pounds. Next time I looked, it was 10 pounds and now I'm back up to 220.5, on a body that should be 100 lbs. I'd even settle for the 146 we talked about two years ago!
But I'm half glad your husband is in subacute care facility, Yvonne. That takes the 24/7 pressure off you, and he's getting the best possible care, I'm sure, with your daily watching over him and the staff there knowing who you are and who HE is.
I wouldn't have posted -- what's to post <sickly grin> -- but when I saw this from you, I just wanted to give you a verbal hug.
And everyone else on here. As Yvonne says, this is our private place to be honest and open and vulnerable.
Big hugs to all, from Karen
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