It was like weighing myself (in the good ol' days) and seeing the numbers go down. I thought that I had reached a goal and then I would celebrate with something that was deleterious to my continuing on to the ULTIMATE GOAL and then I would fail and start all over again, but that would be a month or two months or three before I could get my head together and start back.
Trying on those slacks made me feel as if I had attained the ULTIMATE GOAL and that I needed recognition and acknowledgement of such. So, I reverted back to what I usually do——EAT!! and EAT a lot. A behavior pattern which needs to be corrected. I am glad I analyzed my behavior because the next time I get to an interim goal, I won't be doing that again (I hope). My behavior just has to catch up with my expectations. They are out of synch right now——the old behavior with the new focus.
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