I get why people can't bring themselves to diet right now. There are temptations everywhere! If you walk to the produce section of the local Walmart there is a row of tables set up with a huge selection of cakes, cookies, tortes, pies, cupcakes on display and a display of salty snacks like Doritos right next to it that you must pass before you can get to the lettuce. Almost every other television commercial is about food or drink. Then there are the social gatherings.
I think of the timing to do SS for me as opportunity to barricade myself against my own self destruction. If I didn't work to lose this weight now and allowed myself to eat with wild abandon I could easily weight 300 pounds. Obesity is a killer - a contributing factor to cancer, stroke, heart disease, and joint break down. Like you I want to avoid being on pharmaceuticals. They aren't the answer-I believe a healthy diet is the key. Unfortunately the weight doesn't come off with a healthy diet- I maintain. Cambridge is my "go to" to make the weight come off.
I have a stomach virus today but the worst is over. I called in sick today to rest rather then going in to work and spreading the virus. So many of the workers come into work sick because of the penalties for absenteeism, it's no wonder everybody gets sick. They're all coughing and blowing their noses on the lines. I still have a slight headache. I took the generic ImodiumAD earlier today & that did help.
At about 1 pm I was able to eat some Cambridge FFL Oats and a big cup of black coffee. I don't have any desire to eat right now. Later I'll have something-maybe some Cambridge FFL potato soup and later my plan is to have the Dutch Chocolate Original shake. I like to have it hot when it's cold out. It really hits the spot on those cold mornings.
I have rambled on enough. Everyone enjoy your evening.
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