Thanksgiving is over and now we are in the throes of the Christmas season.
As most of you know, my husband had a massive stroke (not just a regular stroke, but one that kills most people). To that end, he has needed constant attention and care along with prayers and good thoughts.
I have been a mess since it happened on June 13th. He is still in a subacute facility, can barely speak with no movement on the left side of his body. Private duty nurses' aides are with him every day of the week. I have been fighting insurance companies, disability claims, acute care facilities, physicians, therapists and the healthcare system in general. I am exhausted, tired and weary.
This will be my 15th week on Cambridge (generally) and I finally decided to weigh myself AFTER Thanksgiving. Well, I am down 37 pounds and I need to lose another 60 pounds to reach my goal. It is doable. I have chosen to stick with my routine of Cambridge, walking, exercycle, calisthenics and not to weigh myself until March (hopefully, before I leave for Mardi Gras) and I'll see with all of the stress and distractions whether I can get close.
I walked yesterday and was at 115 steps per minute. My fastest was on 11/18/2018 at 122 steps per minute. But, I guess the turkey weighed me down. Anyway, I am still stressed with a big stress ulcer on my upper lip that looks like a Mild Dud, but I keep going.
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