Every day is a struggle for me. If "Friends and Family" have told you to "start next month", then they don't know the agony of being obese or the daily self-loathing that happens each day when I look in the mirror. If they ARE obese, then they are deluding themselves. My "Friends and Family" always wanted me to do what was least "stressful" for me. However, the stress (for me) comes from constantly being FAT! I am just tired of it. I want to be NORMAL. I want to FIT normal-size clothes (with a waist and a belt).
With that said, I do not intend to offend your friends and family but this is a solo journey, Sonali, and no one else can make it for us. I am not perfect, but EVERY DAY that I am alive so that I can knock some of this weight off, I am doing it!!
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