I've shared many times over the 17 yrs of this board that SS is not the only way to do Cambridge. We each have to find our own way. Cambridge gives us a scientifically proven fondation and is a stand alone solid plan to safe, rapid weight loss, but it can also be adapted to individual needs as long as it is used mindfully of not going in to the "crash diet" pattern we are all familial with. I've had many customers who have lost their weight having their 3 servings a day along with a protein/green veg meal or something similar.
The goal is to try and stay in ketosis if possible, deplete your glycogen (sugar) stores, and strive to lower insuline levels to allow the body to stop burning sugar and storing what you consume as fat, but to start using fat for your energy source. This can be dietary fat for those who are at goal, or body fat for those still losing. For those unfamiliar..Keto is a high specific fats, minimal carbohydrate (generally under 20 net carbs a day) moderate protein diet. The goal is to deplete stored sugar in the liver, (as it is with Cambridge) and allow the body to convert to using ketons for energy (calorie) needs and drive down insuline, the fat storing hormone. It works well for some, but others have to incorporate more agressive measures like intermittent or extended total water fasting to get to goal.
Cambridge is a modified fast, very low calorie diet that can pair well with a low carb meal of protein and veg. You can still achieve ketosis this way. SS is a rapid shortcut to ketosis and weight loss goals for those that can achieve it, and it's still suggested for newbies to strive for 2 weeks SS to get to fat burn before adding food, but SS is not the only way. I myself added small amounts of lean proteins and coconut oil pretty regularly as my personal program. My 6'6" 17 yr old son lost 130 lbs and built massive muscles having his 3 servings a day along with a protein veg meal. My 65 yr old husband lost 35 the same way.
So whether SS or adding healthy food sources, we each need to find our way and not expect perfection. I am excited to watch your progress!
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