That's wonderful Sonali! What a great start! I'm glad your family is being supportive like that. It makes all the difference. I'm sorry you had to endure the junk food party with your niece's kids. I hope none of them end up having to deal with weight issues like we have. It's a sad fact that we here in this country are overfed, even if we aren't aware of it. We humans did not survive as a species for 200 million years eating 6 times a day! Not even 3 times a day!! For most of our existence on the planet it was normal to go periods of time, days or even weeks, without food. And it was not always detrimental to our health either as long as food was eventually available in time. During times of fasting a lot of things are happening in the body. Healing, cleaning out of junk cells and making new ones, growth hormone increases and our immune systems can reset. Also, all that fat that was stored is used for fuel...yay for that! Constant eating keeps us in a fed state and suppresses these important functions. It causes our insulin to remain constantly elevated which then takes all that sugar and stores it as fat in our liver and muscles and all around our organs, and eventually in to adipose tissue which we see when we look in the mirror. Most of us are carrying around sugar we ate years ago! Imagine that! lol! It is only when we stop the constant eating, especially of carbohydrate, that we force our body to start doing the work it was designed to do, and do it being fueled by fat. You are on a very positive track. I love your routine and by having that you are eliminating the moments of impulsive decision making that often spirals in to bargaining and justifying going off plan. Keep up the good work! |
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