Hi Pam. I have asked my husband to diet with me, because his doctor said he could stand to lose about 20 pounds. He doesn't believe he needs to lose any weight. Thank you for sharing your experience about your husband. It does get frustrating. My husband is well aware of my struggles to stop eating and drinking. I don't feel like going out in public anymore and he knows why. I don't feel well, my body aches and my knees ache and he knows that my success at losing weight would help me to feel better. Going to work and doing a little grocery shopping is the extent of my social activities because of my weight. In my opinion my husband is a saboteur. He pretty much wants what he wants without much consideration of its impact on me. He doesn't believe there is any problem in bringing home junk food. He feels I should just be able to control myself around food. He is right, I should be able to control myself but there are many dark moments when I do not have control. Impulsive/compulsive behavior takes over. We have had many discussions about this and it never changes a thing. I need to learn to work around his food bobby traps.I need to turn things around before it kills me, seriously. 65 is an age when just living becomes borrowed time. I started taking a green tea supplement. It seems to be helping the impulsive compulsive behavior and so I will continue with SS today and will use a bite of lean protein and celery, green vegetables as a " go to " / Plan B Backup in case I just can't stop the impulse of eating something. That's my plan and I'm stickin' to it ! So one minute at a time , one hour, one day I'll keep going. |
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