I'm so sorry MaryL. I grew up watching my father do the very same thing to my mother. Every time she started to have any success with weight loss, he did everything he could think of to sabotage her. He was a control freak and part of that was keeping my mom fat and dependent. It DID kill her. She was only 62 when she died of obesity related heart disease. I always felt their marriage was so toxic, but my mom didn't know how to leave him so she remained. This is not simply about "will power". That whole concept has been debunked. Those of us that have spent a lifetime dieting have enough will power to move mountains! This is about brain chemistry and hormones, ghrelin.. leptin .. insulin, to name a few. They are ultimately in control of hunger and satiety signals and insulin is the fat storing hormone. Being in ketosis and doing a modified fasting schedule like Cambridge is a great way to finally get all those working properly. The green tea is a great supplement. It does help with appetite control. Drinking it works great too. Also you may want to try broth. It is a hot savory satisfying break from shakes and hot drinks also help to suppress appetite. |
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