Well, slowly but surely. I've not been able to SS but I am making better choices when it comes to food. Yesterday for example, I was walking around my block when my nephew called to go get "a snack" at 8pm? Snack? Really? I usually would have jumped for it, but I told him no because I had plans. So when I got home from my walk, I asked my niece to go to the movies with me. We saw Aladdin.. (So good and funny, highly recommend it). Anyway, while at the movies, she asked if I wanted popcorn or icee... again, I would have agreed without thinking but I said no it's too late and I am not a fan of eating while watching a movie so she said we'd get a snack afterwards which we didn't by the way. It seems like food revolves around socializing and hanging out.. Why? Anyway, I am glad the numbers are dropping even though I am eating here and there but again I am thinking twice before I decide if it's a good idea or not. I am also still walking daily and my goal remains the same 15,000 steps before bedtime so I think that's helped me not gain. I need to step it up though if I want better results. This weekend I'll be in Vegas... and I will be surrounded by FOOD... well, hope there's not too much damage when I get back. Have a great Memorial Day and I'll catch up Tuesday! |
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