I am off Cambridge for a few days. Saturday night I had to go to the emergency room with extreme pain. I have Cellulitus for the third time in a month and now it is in my LEFT leg instead of the right leg. Because I am taking a course of antibiotics for the third time I am ordered to have probiotic yogurt. So Pam, my question is could you suggest a way I can do my Cambridge but also comply with the doctor's mandate. I did buy some probiotics at $17.00 a box plus some " gut bacteria friendly" Kimshee, Saukraut, and artichokes. The doctor told me I could get really sick if my gut bacteria is completely obliterated so I must comply with her orders. So Pam my question is could you suggest a way I can incorporate my Cambridge into a meal plan that includes probiotic food. I'll ask the doctor is O can back to SS on Wednesday. Thank you. Everyone have a great day! |
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