Sonali: Don't listen to those who say NOT to get an influenza vaccine!! Influenza is DEADLY!! If you haven't seen someone die in front of you because they cannot breathe and their body (and organ systems) shuts down because of the devastating influenza virus, then you don't know what it's like to see someone die when it could have been prevented. I don't know who is telling you this nonsense about not to get the seasonal influenza vaccine, but they are ill-informed. Unless you are on a deserted island or in the tundra where there are no other people, then you need to be vaccinated. As you know, the "flu" is not a "cold". It is deadly and the viral strains keep changing each year. That's why it is SO important to get vaccinated yearly. Many people were "opposed" to vaccinated their children against measles and mumps; and then look what happened? The resurgence of these once-eradicated diseases that kill people. That's what happened to the Native Americans when the Europeans came over to this country. It wasn't the violence of war, it was the devastation of smallpox and other viruses that the Native Americans had never been exposed to. But, I digress. In my medical opinion (of over 46 years), one needs the seasonal influenza vaccine yearly. That's about it! Have a great day!! |
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