The Diet Coke is not the problem.
Someone once told me, "Plan your work and work your plan". By being true to sole-source (Diet Coke included), you will lose weight.
The scale is imprecise and messes with your mind (at least, it does with me).
I know in my case, it's easier to jump on the scale than follow the plan I have outlined, go to the gym and pass up food that I like hoping the scale will tell me that it is still okay NOT to do what I need to do.
It's TOUGH!!! Don't get me wrong. If it were easier, everyone would be slim without bariatric surgery. But, it's not. Losing weight is the most difficult venture I have had to do in my life and I'm a physician. So, I can only imagine the difficulties for other folks who have so many distractions in their lives. One needs to view this as a full-time job——because it is.
In the midst of all of these food commercials and food-focus everywhere you go promoted by the billion-dollar fast food industry, many Americans have just given up because they have lost hope in ever losing the weight. But, I still believe that I can do it. I put the weight on myself and I and I alone should be able to take it off. No scalpels, no hypnosis, just me.
Hang in there, Ann. Believe in yourself.
Good luck!!
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