I can definitely relate. However, someone once told me that we have to do what the airline attendants tell us, "Put on YOUR oxygen mask first, before helping others."
As you may know, my husband had a massive stroke, has been in a long-term subacute rehab facility and he contracted COVID-19 with renal involvement. I can't tell you how frantic and upset I have been over the past two weeks. It's been a nightmare with worry. And with worry comes comfort food and all that goes with it——stinkin' thinkin'!!
Thank goodness, he recovered and is holding his own. Now, someone else told me that *I* have to take care of myself or else who will be around to take care of him.
Day #3 is almost done and I just know I can do it this time. Be it Weight Watchers, Jenny Craig, Nutrisystem, Cambridge, Slimfast or whatever, if we just stick to what we started out with, WE CAN DO IT!!
Thank you for responding and taking this "step of faith" with me.
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