Hi Yvonne, You and your husband are still spring chickens! God willing, my goal is to crack 100! My baby brother passed away last year and it was a very rough time for my sister and myself before and especially in the months afterwards. It tore me up inside. A grown man crying his eyes out. Impossible right? Messed me up real bad. Even today. God bless your husband and your inner strength. The fire only makes steel stronger. Yes, Laurence was very motivational. He was like your own personal cheerleader. His videos really get to the heart of the matter and show people rather than tell people what is possible. Laurence explains it like this. There are dabblers and then there are doers. The dabblers pick and choose, go on and off, sneak things here, sneak things there. Go in 2 days, quit, binge, then go in one day, quit, binge, etc... Laurence says get your head screwed on right, go in, and follow the plan, no cheating, no dabbling, DO NOT OPEN THE BOX! Do you want to do this thing just one time and take the rest of your life off (other than maintaining) or do you want to go on and off the rest of your life? All the people that knew and loved Laurence were in shock of the news of his mortal mistake. The nasty fight with UK Cambridge outraged all his 1,000s and 1,000s of loyal clients and followers. They too raised hell with UK Cambridge but UK Cambridge stood their ground with his release from their program. Heartless SOBs in my personal opinion. That break affected Laurence so much and so deep that a year later he did the thing most unthinkable in a moment of bad judgement. All of us have challenges we were put on Earth to overcome. We must rise to the challenge and blow right past them. For thousands of years no one could break the 4 minute mile. Critics said it was humanly impossible to accomplish. One man proved them all wrong. On May 6, 1954 Roger Bannister proved all the critics wrong. I will post another update to my journey a few minutes after I post this. Go to the bottom to see the August 2, 2020 update. Mike |
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