I started Cambridge last night actually but this will be my first full day. I ordered a 1 new case of the Dutch Chocolate Original today as part of making a new commitment.
Everyone keep going.
Re: new commitment
Posted by Pam T on 9/5/2018, 5:17 pm, in reply to "new commitment"
Hi MaryL. How has today gone for you so far? Not sure what time it is where you are. It's 5:15 here and I'm preparing dinner for my husband and my daughter. I'm SSing right now so now that it's all in the oven and the salad is in the fridge, I'm going to go jump in the pool. They can deal with it from here! lol!
Starting at night is a great way to get a jump start while you're sleeping. You wake up knowing you already have a good 12 or more hours in the bag.
Hope the remainder of you day is a good one. You'll go to bed tonight feeling accomplished. Just a few more hours!
Hi Pam- Thank you for asking. I am glad you are going through the process. The company is very helpful.
For me old habits die hard.. ...I think that is the saying. I am at work.I am salivating thinking about the junk food machine in the lunchroom but my will to succeed this time is stronger and I am not going near that machine. I have also been thinking about my aching knees when I climb stairs, my body hurting from extra weight, and how hard it is to walk and even catch a breath from having gained so much weight. I feel MISERABLE because of the weight and no amount of junk food is going to help that feeling-It will only make it worse if I go off plan and eat!!!! I LOVE to cook, bake, and eat delicious food but there comes a time no amount of delicious food can comfort me. That time is now.
I didn't plan to go completely SS at this time because I don't think if I can do it yet. I am taking baby steps and hopefully I will be able to build more inner strength so that I can do SS very soon. Today I set my own limits on what I can have and when I can have it. I had a small low calorie meal after my lunchtime shake about 2 PM which I thoroughly enjoyed and I don't feel deprived. I had 1 shake for breakfast, and my third and last shake is what I will have for dinner at 7 PM. After work I will have herbal tea or a couple squirts lemon juice in water.
No one said doing Cambridge is easy but it is so much simpler than trying to plan meals. I am grateful for it.
Everyone have a good evening.
Re: Old Habits
Posted by Pam T on 9/6/2018, 2:51 pm, in reply to "Re: Old Habits"
One of the things that I love about Cambridge is that you don't have to wait until you've lost a lot of weight before you begin feeling better. Even with the small meal you are adding, it won't be long before you start to feel lighter and have more energy. Our food choices definitely can effect our energy, pain levels, inflammation, and emotions. I'm sorry you are feeling so badly right now. I've been there. But the direction you are moving in now will reward you. This I know for sure!
p.s. I miss baking! I've been a baker my entire life. I just told Andy yesterday how hard it is to not go in the kitchen and create something beautiful and amazing. He looked at me like he might cry! lol! I told him he should have met me 20 years ago. He would have been in heaven
Re: New Commitment: Inventory
Posted by MaryL on 9/5/2018, 1:15 pm, in reply to "new commitment"
I forgot to say I have enough Cambridge with what I have ordered to do 12 weeks of SS : )
With all of that inventory, you will be svelte by the time you use it all up. I just ordered a case of the Rich Chocolate. That should last me about 6 weeks.