I have started a new position as a perinatal consultant at a local hospital to be near my husband who is still hospitalized after his stroke last June. It's been a long and difficult road for the both of us.
However, I have had my triumphs, especially with weight loss. After "sanitizing" the house of ALL FOOD and just focusing on the Cambridge plan, I have been moderately successful. But, sometimes I do have money and gas, so I go to a store to get something to eat (bad move).
Anyway, I am trying to regain the focus I have had since last August and get back into a routine NO MATTER WHAT!!
Wish me luck!
Posted by Pam T on 5/2/2019, 6:25 pm, in reply to "NO MATTER WHAT!!!"
I know you posted this a few days ago, but how are you doing now? Have you managed to get back in the saddle?
Congratulations on the new position. It sounds like a good move.
For me, I needed to get back to seeing patients and using the 45 years of medicine and teaching I have accrued. It is great for me.
But, now I am so overwhelmed with my new position AND the long-term care companies, therapists that have written-off my husband and the nursing home which now is private pay. I just wrote them a check for $36,000 for the month of April and subsequent months will be around $25,000. It's no wonder people go home after the insurance ends. Who can afford a quarter of a million dollars a year in a rehabilitation hospital with skilled nursing out of pocket? But, my husband is still bedridden with left-sided paralysis and a feeding tube and needs the specialized care. He has no core strength and requires physical therapy to improve that hemiparetic side. However, it's all on us and all private pay now.
Despite my woes, my husband is making incremental progress each day and that keeps me going. His private duty nurse's aides are great and allow me to take a bit of a breather.
Just know that having a massive stroke is no joke. It sucks everything out of the patient and the family. So everyone should lose as much weight as possible, because you never know when you'll be next. But, God is good and my husband is still alive.
For a few days, I was "good", but with the onslaught of all of these new financial obligations, it has thrown me for a loop. But, I will survive and try to keep going.
Cambridge is the ONLY thing for me (less a slip now and then).
Thanks for asking.
Posted by MaryL on 4/30/2019, 8:19 pm, in reply to "NO MATTER WHAT!!!"
Dear Yvonne, if anyone can do this it's you!
There is nothing wrong with getting something to eat and you can use it as a training exercise for when you move to maintenance. Like most food addicts I know it's really hard and speaking for myself, I have great difficulty staying on track. I understand your daily struggle. With or without stress it is very hard to do but yet you have proven it can be done. NO MATTER WHAT it will be!
Posted by Ann on 4/28/2019, 3:52 pm, in reply to "NO MATTER WHAT!!!"
You can do this. My father had a stroke and we took care of him at home so I know the emotional and physical strain of being a caregiver. We want to nurture ourselves with all the goodies that are our comfort food. You are doing fantastic. Keep it up.