We've spent years strategizing on how to cover up our inability to poop in certain situtations, we could at least think of ways to handle the repercussions in a more rational fashion. I've developed, unfortuantely, excellent skills in avoidant behaviors. It's about time to transform these skills into "go-get-'em" behaviors. I'm having success in making progress in my paruresis, but soon I'll concentrate more Oh, about squating to poop. I've tried it only a few times in scouting and in my home. I came to realize that our leg muscles are not trained to take this natural position. I couldn't believe how unsteady I was, which added to the nervousness of the situation. To just think, millions of people take a crap this way without using a commode and do fine, and it has to be a big deal for us Westerners. Added to this, is the high level of toilets in public bathrooms. I sometimes use the handicapped toilets and I can't believe the experience of feeling I was sitting on a table. (I guess it part of the accommodation necessary for wheel chair people who must transfer from their chairs to the commode, and then have their non-reponsive legs dangling from the seat.) I think I will put myself in situations where I'll have to squat in the outdoors again, when I go camping or travl about,(as I do more leg exercises Maybe I'll start a Squatters Anonymous Support Group. Care to join? Marty G.
on my parcopresis.
at the spa.) You never know, I might wind up in China where there's only a hole to drop my feces in.