The last few month for the first time in my live I did talk to people in my neighborhood about my parcopresis. A lot of them recognized the problem in a way. That surprised me a lot. A cousin of mine does not go on holiday if she can't get a one-person hotel room. A girlfriend of mine only went to the bathroom if there is nobody in her house, or if the radio or te television make a lot of noise. And if she is pissing at night she puts so much toilet paper in the lo that the neighbors can't hear here stream in the toilet. A male friend of mine is manager of a big school, with a lot of bathrooms, he takes the one that is the most far from is office, in a silent place of the building. He does not want that people can hear or see that he is on the toilet. And he wants to have a possibility to be fully relaxed when he is doing what he has to do at that time.
What I mean to say is: talk about your problem and you will be surprised of the recognizing.
Yes, people are to shy to talk about this problem. They are afraid of people who are laughing about it. I think here in Holland I can talk about it. Not with everyone, I am selective, and say it only to people who are open minded. I believe that in the USA there are a also a lot of them.
A warning: don't say it to your president mister Bush, he should think you are a terrorist!
Ger Belmer